On page SEO: Best optimization techniques

On-page SEO is the process of optimizing web pages and their content to rank higher in search engine results. It helps to drive more organic traffic to the website.

Generally, On-page SEO includes optimizing for keywords, meta tags, external links, headings, URLs, images, and content.

We’ll discuss different On-page optimization techniques. These techniques are crucial for ranking on the search engine result page.

7 On-Page SEO Techniques For Ranking Your Website

Here are some of the major on-page SEO techniques you should learn :

1. Keyword Research

2. Meta Tags

3. URLs

4. Headings

5. Images

6. Links

7. Content

Let us discuss each of them in detail :

On Page Search Engine Optimizaion

1. Keyword Research:

Keywords, also known as SEO keywords are the terms and phrases that are used to establish and develop content online. From the potential customer’s view, these are the words entered into the search engine\’s search bar to describe the products or services that they’re looking for or the answers to the questions they are looking for.

Keywords research helps to provide a variety of customer insights revealing what they want and why they want it. The keywords on your website define what your business is about. Selecting the correct keyword for your business is crucial for business success. You can use Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, SEMrush, etc.

2. Meta Tags:

Meta tags are the combination of title and description that is visible in the Google Search Engine Result Page (SERP). They provide additional information on the page to the search engines. You need to optimize your seed keywords in the Meta Title and Meta Description.

  • Meta Title: These are the blue highlighted text in a search page. For better optimization, one keyword must be placed in the meta title

  • Meta Description: It generally informs and interests users with a brief summary of what your page is about. Value proposition and pain points must be addressed in the description.

3. URLs :

Your page URL should be short and clear to understand by both the users and the search engines. Optimizing the URL of a page also plays a crucial role in page ranking.

4. Headings:

Headings are the highlighted headlines on a web page. There are six types of headings. They are : H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6. But we must focus on the first three headings. Each web page must contain at least one H1 and a seed keyword must be included in it. H2 and H3 contain contextual contents.

5. Images:

Google cannot read images directly, so it need an alternative text description for the image so that it can read the image and find relevancy. Generally, there are three places to place keywords in an image. File name, title, and alt text must have related keywords for better web page optimization.

6. Links:

Linking two related pages with the use of keywords are generally known as link building. There are internal and external links in SEO. Linking must to done to boost SEO efforts. Linking builds trust to the search engine about the relevancy of the page content and helps in optimization.

7. Content:

Content is the descriptive text in a web page providing information on specific products/services. Quality content should include value propositions and address customers’ pain points. Certain techniques must be followed while writing content on a web page for optimization. A combination of primary keywords and secondary keywords must be maintained and over-stuffing of keywords should be avoided.

On-page optimization is all about how well you choose your seed keyword and implement it in the meta tags, URLs, headings, images, links, and content. The focus must be on how to choose the right keyword and place it in the right place in the web page. If your on-page SEO effort is done with proper techniques then half of your job is done.

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